Mae Mai Muay Thai Chaiya Stlye Grand master Preang
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Mae Mai Muay Thai Chaiya 1
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4:32 AM
Labels: Highlight, Kru Preang, Martial Art, Muay Chaiya, Muay Thai
Quantum Jujitsu class and sparring
Quantum Jujitsu class and sparring
WOW. I take small-circle jujitsu, and that first takedown made my jaw drop. Your guys' speed is amazing, and you're all very fluent. I was very glad to see that it wasn't all grappling, as well. Bravo!
Good Training! Good mixture of useful techniques and applications...stay on the path
Judo Newaza Grappling International Fights
Highlights of Judo Newaza from International competitions
Quantum Jujitsu
A high-flying martial arts demo featuring Sensei Jeremy Corbell doing Quantum Jujitsu. Please visit
Bruce Lee J.K.D
Tribute of Bruce Lee
Jeet Kune Do Using no way as way , having no limitation as limitation
I loved the vid, guess we all can agree that Bruce truly was one of the greatest, a man ahead of his time, he really was a cool dude, to sad I never had the chance to know or se him, anyway I belive he is in a better place now and smiling down , god bless him
In loving memory of Bruce Lee: the little dragon
Well here's my latest Bruce Lee tribute video. It features many rare pics (some are courtesy of David Tadman and others) and also some of my rare footage. Many of the pics are showing the friendly and down to earth side of Bruce as well as Bruce, the family man. The first sequence of photos sort of goes in order of his age. I hope you enjoy this tribute ... it was inspiring to make (I enjoyed making it!) and Bruce deserves for others to know what he really was all about: family and friends! The music selections are taken from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon soundtrack (the song is "In the South") and the Dragon: Bruce Lee soundtrack ("Fists of Fury" and "Sailing on the South China Sea")
One Inch Punch Documentary
-UFC and the OIP (one inch punch)-
Something I've heard over and over here is the fact that the OIP is not being used in the UFC. That is true but as Cameron said in the interview, you can't just view the one inch punch as a trick or a fancy fight ender. You will never find your opponent standing still waiting to be hit as you get in your stance. The possibility of actually using the OIP are slim but the concept of striking in a short distance is what we should focus on.
I'm sure you guys can think of a better example in the UFC but let's take a look at Tito Ortiz. He's mounts on top of Shamrock and he clinches onto Ortiz. What is there to do? He delivers short elbows. I'm not saying these are "one inch" elbow hits but the concept of delivering a heavy blow in a short distance is applied here. I'm also not saying Ortiz worships JKD, Bruce and so on, but I do believe all good fighters usually apply this concept to combat when needed.
It's been a year since I released this video and I am truly amazed at the amount of views it have gotten. I enjoy all the comments even stuff like this..."Bruce Lee paid that black belt 500 yen to fall like that." Thank you all for watching. I will try to do more updates and discuss about the OIP. Peace.
Victor Tran
A short documentary on the One Inch Punch. Interviews with Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun instructors. Discover more on what Bruce Lee demonstrated years ago. Shot and edited by Victor Tran. Email -
Best Bruce Lee Music Video Ever! Tribute to the master!
Credit for this video go to AJ
Bruce Lee Music Video, I think the music is called "Lose Control". See the video for credits. Has clips from Way of the dragon, Enter the Dragon and Fist of Fury as well as the footage from Game of Death and The Big Boss.
Correction: The video is called "Lose Control" but the song is called "Hero" by Sevendust.
Posted by
12:21 AM
Labels: Bruce Lee, Highlight, Jeet Kune Do, Martial Art, MV